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Frequently Asked Questions

Which payment methods are accepted?

I accept cash, card or venmo.

What kind of wax do you use?

For sensitive areas, such as the face, bikini, and underarms, I use hard wax. It melts at a lower temperature and is a lot more gentle on the skin. I am able to go over the area multiple times without irritating the skin. For larger surface areas, such as legs, back and chest i use a very gentle soft wax. That wax is removed with strips.

I have my period. Do I need to cancel?

Of course not! It doesn't bother me at all. It happens all the time. Just use a tampon or Diva cup and we should be good to go!

Will my hair grown back thicker?

No! Waxing does not cause you to grow more hair follicles. In fact, if you become a regular waxer, you will notice that your hair will become quite sparse and not as coarse.

How long should I wait to get a Brazilian wax?

I recommend waiting 3-4 weeks of grow out to have optimal results. The longer you can wait the better the results.

How often should I get waxed?

I would recommend get waxed every 4-6 weeks. Some clients have different growth times but try to stick within the 4-6 weeks.

Would you honor the Groupon price?

I would honor groupon price instead of you purchasing the groupon. However, I will only honor it the first time you come in.

Please note, if you miss, cancel or change your appointment with less than a 24-hour notice, then you are subject to being charged with a $25 fee or full price if you are a no show. Thank you for understanding and your cooperation. If your plans change, please text me as soon as you're able to re-schedule so we can prevent the fee from being charged.

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